Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rebound that basketball!!!

This is our first season for playing and coaching Upwards basketball.
My husband says it is VERY difficult teaching 4 ADHD five yr.old boys how to play basketball. (This is coming from an ADHD coach!)
This past Saturday was VERY comical! Watching Auburn chase the boys around trying to tell them what to do. Little boys running of the court during the game to give mom a kiss or get a drink of water! Little boys trying to dribble and the ball gets the best of them! At one point, I was yelling....Defense Peyton! The only problem was that our team was Offense!!! I thought my lovely husband was going to KILL me or ask me to leave! I shut up and let him coach!
He ended the game by saying, " I'm off to get the whiskey!"
Peyton says his job in the game is to guard!
Forget dribbling and shooting....he seriously thinks his main job is to GUARD only!
It's sooooo funny!!!
When the ball is passed to him....he ducks!!!
We have LOTS of learning to do!
More guarding!!
More guarding!
(yawn!) "Could you please just get on with it COACH?"

Peyton picking out his game star!
We may have lots of learning to do, BUT...
he's my SUPER Star!!!
So is my husband for attempting to COACH!!!


Erica said...

Oh I wish I could see Auburn trying to coach!

Lisa Mae said...

Bless you Auburn! I laughed so hard on this one Carrie. Just picturing it in my head. Oh the things to come for me, right!?!?!

Sandel said...

They all look so cute!!! We will have to come see Peyton play.

Carrie said... want to come see Peyton GUARD!!!

Anonymous said...

Will you email me the bball pics...i noticed that the Coop is in several and like a bad mom I didn't have my camera!!


Anonymous said...


Hawaian Babe 2008 said...

my cousin is getting so big he needs to stop going jk