Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Please Pray...

Please pray for my family today. Satan has attacked in a big way. We will take all the prayers we can get......


teresa said...

Carrie, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers today. Love ya.

Unknown said...

I wish I was as smart as you.Been praying 7/24 for you and your family and also praying I could send this message.....//////////
Tried several ways but no avail.
love,Aunt Freida

Unknown said...

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers 24/7 and believe me I know He answers them!!!!Sometime in the silence of the night sometimes in the breath of a grandchild that your Daddy loves and they all love him.We just have to wait and be still. The devil is not always silent. I'm just a call away if I can help.Love,
Aunt Freida
