drum roll please....
You get "trails" in your cupcakes!
Mrs. Laura, Peyton really enjoyed your cupcakes!
He had a good ole time and thought we would never find out!
(I was so embarrassed! I really have tried to teach my boys manners!!!)
"We walk by Faith, not by sight." 2 Cor. 5:7
Posted by Carrie at 8:20 PM
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awwww...let that perfect child have one slip up!! (I would have done the same thing!)
Haha too funny!
This is priceless, you need to make sure you keep a copy of this for when he is older, well and the one of the sunglasses in front of the TV oh and the one-----he is just too cute for words!!
I tried to find an email address for you, but did not see one. Sorry this is in the form of a comment! Pretty weird.
Did you still want to come to the coupon class? If so, I held two spots, but if not then I can give those away if you want me to.
Will you email me? hendrickcrew@gmail.com
Thanks! What a beautiful family you have!
Hi Carrie,
You have a really cute blog here. I noticed a visitor coming from your site, so I came by for a closer look. Thanks for putting me on your sidebar. That's always an honor for me.
I love cupcakes by the way and I'm afraid I would have done the same thing:)
Its so funny!!!!What a beautiful family you have...thanks for sharing with us...
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