Saturday, April 10, 2010

Take me out to the ballpark.....

Working on some batting with coach!
This is our very first game and we are playing against one of our very best friends!
Learning to run bases and boy is he fast!!!!
Peyton on first base and Tyler is the runner.....woo~hoo!!!! So much FUN!!!!
Batter up!!!!
On the pitcher's mound!!!
Doesn't he look handsome in his uniform????
Let's go RANGERS!!!!!!
We have waited for this adventure for a very LONG time.....longer than we would have liked!!!!
But, the time has come and we are ready for some baseball!!!!
It was a beautiful day!!!
We spent it with some beautiful people and we are looking forward to this fun season in life!!!!


Kathy said...

we would love to come watch a game or two if you'll get us his schedule! He's growing up TOO FAST!