Thursday, June 25, 2009


OK....We are preparing to pack boxes tonight, BUT we just don't have that many addresses for soldiers!!!!
If you want to send a soldier a box....PLEASE leave me their address!
It's that easy!!!!
Go get the address NOW!!!!!


Unknown said...

hey carrie, my brother in law is in afghanistan-i can check with my sister and get his address and prob others if you still need them! Just let me know!

Carrie said...

Karen~ I brought home a box of goodies for your brother n law! Just need his address! Let me know!

Unknown said...

ah you are so sweet! i will send it to you tomorrow. thanks!!!

Sandel said...

You did a great job getting it all together. It was a fun time and I look forward to next year. Tell me when you want to work on the soldiers that are in the states, I would be thrilled to help.

Jana Corley said...

Carrie-I just sent you an e-mail with another address. Let me know if you have an extra box. If not, I will get something together to mail him. Thanks!